MECO would like to wish a Happy Veteran’s Day to all who served our country and those who continue to do so. We are especially proud to salute our 34 MECO employees who dedicated their lives to protect our...
MECO, a world leader in the design and manufacture of water purification systems, is currently involved in multiple Operation Warp Speed (OWS) projects. Operation Warp Speed is a public/private partnership initiated by the US government to facilitate and accelerate...
MECO WATER SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN UTILIZED BY 17 ISPE CATEGORY WINNERS OVER THE PAST DECADE. MECO, a world leader in engineered water purification solutions, is honored to be a part of our customers’ success in the annual ISPE Facility...
MECO’s High Purity Water Systems Aid the Biopharmaceutical Industry in COVID-19 Vaccine Development Mandeville, Louisiana (June 30, 2020) – With global biopharmaceutical companies racing to develop the first COVID-19 vaccine, Louisiana-based MECO ramps up production of water purification...
As the world is combatting the spread of COVID-19, biopharmaceutical companies are racing to produce COVID-19 testing kits, PPE, IV fluids and other medications. In order to meet these demands, the biopharmaceutical industry relies heavily on pharmaceutical grade water...
While the coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to spread around the world, biopharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to manufacture a vaccine, life-saving medication and testing kits. One of the critical utilities used in the manufacture of these products is ultra-pure...