MECO is a leading provider of pure water for critical manufacturing processes in the food and beverage industry. The MECO global portfolio includes the broadest range of engineered products for purified water, distilled water and pure steam. Our broad range of products and solutions produce distilled water, purified water, quality feedstock and wash water for the world’s bottled water, sodas, sports drinks, beer, and spirits.
MECO’s water purification and water treatment solutions are used to manufacture various food products, including those in the Cultivated Meat industry (also known as Lab-Grown meat); Alternative Proteins industry; and Fermented Alternative Proteins industry. This depth of global experience ensures we understand the critical nature of maximized uptime for your operations.
MECO is a leading provider of ultrapure water for critical manufacturing processes in the food and beverage industry. Our water purification and water treatment solutions are used to manufacture various food products, including those in the Cultivated Meat industry.
Cultivated meat production involves making meat without raising or slaughtering animals, using animal cells to grow muscle tissue instead. This method is often more sustainable
and ethical.
Water is integral to everything in this industry, from cell culture to cleaning and cooling systems. That’s where MECO comes in.
MECO water purification is grounded in our tradition of engineering excellence. Our mastery of core engineering disciplines—mechanical, engineering, drafting—drives a synergy that produces the smartest solution to every challenge.
Productivity is your priority. Maximum uptime is a critical factor. MECO's factory-trained, certified tech team provides services to keep your system running—from onsite water room management to preventive maintenance to emergency response.
MECO technologies are shaping the future of water purification. Our education and training support gives your people the knowledge and confidence to realize all the productivity-enhancing potential we've built into your MECO system.