How Water Reuse Reduces Your Water Footprint

Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh, and only one-third of that is accessible for human use. On the other hand, the number of people and industries that rely on water is steadily and rapidly increasing. By 2027, the volume of recycled water (or water reuse) produced in the United States is projected to increase by 37% from 4.8 billion gallons per day to 6.6 billion gallons per day according to the WaterReuse Association.
Water purification technologies make water reuse a sustainable option for companies seeking to reduce their water footprint. Taking active steps to curb and control water use shows your company’s commitment to a valuable resource, and it can also drive down costs.
What is water reuse?
According to the WaterReuse Association, “Water reuse, also known as water recycling, is the process of intentionally capturing wastewater, stormwater, saltwater or graywater and cleaning it as needed for a designated beneficial freshwater purpose such as drinking, industrial processes, surface or ground water replenishment, and watershed restoration”. Water reuse is considered one of the only sustainable sources of freshwater for the future.
The economic impact of recycled water
Communities and industries around the world are utilizing water reuse to not only sustain a growing population and workforce but to also develop the local economy. In Poland, the world’s largest cosmetics producer is using water reuse technology to produce food-grade purified water for their products. In Peru, a U.S.-based mining company recaptures process water at the base of its tailings facilities, as well as, 85% of the wastewater produced by the local city of Arequipa to send treated water to local farmers for their crops. In Detroit, Michigan, an automobile manufacturer saves over $2 million each year by using recycled stormwater for one of its assembly plants.
Sustainable water purification systems
Water is a substantial ingredient in the manufacturing processes of industries around the world. In recognition of the strain water purification can have on the environment and the water footprint of a company, MECO’s water purification systems are designed to use less feed water intake and reject less water to drain while operating efficiently and lowering energy costs. MECO’s commitment to purifying water responsibly and in a sustainable manner provides peace of mind to our customers, communities, and the environment. Products like MECO’s patented MASTERfit™ system uses significantly less feedwater and pretreatment consumables while rejecting 65% less water to drain.
Additionally, MECO vapor compression machines cut energy consumption by 70%. When you purify water using a MECO system, you’ll recover as much input as possible while minimizing discharge and reducing your water footprint.
Real-time data monitoring for smarter business operations
MECO smartANALYTICS empowers more efficient water recovery through cutting edge data monitoring and analysis, allowing MECO experts to work with customers to maximize pure water recovery. The innovative smartANALYTICS technology can run real-time monitoring of data related to flow rates, pressures, and other parameters that may affect the efficiency of your water purification processes. With smartANALYTICS technology, MECO experts advise on sustainable best practices that are imperative for tomorrow.
Where Tomorrow Gets Its Water.®
All of MECO’s systems are built with sustainability in mind. When you work with us, you can be sure you’re purifying water responsibly. We manufacture our products using responsible environmental practices and make conservation practices a proactive part of our business policies. Where Tomorrow Gets Its Water.® is more than a tagline for MECO, it’s our commitment to providing innovative and sustainable water purification solutions for our clients and our future.
Get in touch today to learn more about MECO’s water purification solutions and our commitment to water sustainability.